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Dr Helal website


How to boost my Testosterone?

Dear Testosterone. You’re the manly hormone that makes me a guy. I didn’t have much of a relationship with you until I hit puberty. Then we became good friends – boy did we! You deepened my voice and gave me bigger muscles. My bones got thicker and, heck, you even increased my penis size. Thanks for that, Testosterone, because you helped me get sporadic erections and made me a stud in the bedroom.

So what happened to you, my friend, Mr. Testosterone? You were once so abundant that I could count on getting wood. Now that I’m over 40 I don’t see you as much. My sex drive ain’t firing on all-cylinders and my muscles aren’t so big anymore!

I really don’t like Mr. Low Testosterone, because he affects my life quality in ways I don’t enjoy. I heard a rumor that he typically shows up when Total Testosterone goes below 270ng/dL (9-38nmol/L). Is that true? Every man is different, but I need to know. Why did you do this to me?

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    Why Mr. Low T Keeps Visiting?

You know, I was really in shock when I heard that some habits I never even thought about affected my relationship with you, dear Testosterone. But now I know – I’ve got to clean up my act a little bit if I’m going to give Mr. Low T the butt-kicking he deserves. I promise I’ll do it – because Testosterone makes me a man!

How to boost my Testosterone? with TESTRX tablets

    I Promise to Live By These Testosterone-Friendly Habits!

Cook with CERAMIC Non-Stick Cookware – Yes, I was surprised to learn those cheap teflon non-stick pans are high in endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) but I’ve learned my lesson. Pay a little more for ceramic cookware and we’re on better terms.

Don’t Eat From Cans – I promise to eat fresh food where possible and avoid eating out of those gender-bending chemical-heavy cans I used to eat with!

Keep My Smartphone Out of My Front Pocket – No more tucking my iPhone in my front pocket. In fact, I’ll keep my laptop off my lap top as well!

    A Little TestRx Goes a Long Way

Order TestRx Now to improve your Testosterone

See, I’ve heard about hormone replacement therapy and the risks linked to it. I also know researchers don’t know if it’s safe to use long-term, and the rumblings of health problems have me a little on edge.

So I’m gonna boost testosterone naturally, care of TestRX, and get you back with natural ingredients like Tongkat Ali. Combine TestRX with these good testosterone habits and I’ve got a feeling we’ll both get our groove back!

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